Sunday, March 4, 2012

What Was He Picturing?

So, I was in a sixth grade classroom last week, and they were assigned to read a selection on medieval children's games. About 20 minutes in, one of the students comes up to me and says, "I found a bad word in this." I have him show it to me, and it says:

"Cock fighting was another popular past-time."

I did my best to stifle my laughter, but still:

1) I'm amused that it was only the dirty definition of cock that he knew.
2) Without knowing it meant rooster-fighting, what in the world did he imagine medieval youth were like?
3) After I told this story to a friend, he asked, "So did you teach him about cock?" And thus "Megan's Law" Chicken was born, a popular past-time of post-millennial youth.

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